6 Secrets To Writing A Book FASTER

6 Secrets To Writing A Book FASTER

Thank you for allowing me input into your book
publishing journey. As a token of my appreciation and Christmas
gift. Here’s a Book Writing Formula my students and I developed
over the years. Implement this in your book writing project and
you will get bigger, better and faster results.

So, here’s how you can create a 24/7 lead generating and sales magnet
book in the time you’ve have.

The good news is, you can use the cumulative effect
(you know doing a little at a time and it adds up)
Let’s say you write just two pages per day each week for
eight weeks (unedited), you’ll have a 112 page first draft
done… in just eight weeks.

If you go at even that pace, you can easily have a book
in your hands or less of the day you began if
you take path of the expert or enterprise advantage of
self-publishing, which 80% of today’s book authors do, these
days. That would include the time needed to prepare before
you write and to have it edited and published soon after.

One more scenario, let’s say you’re up to the pace
and your goal is six weeks. You can write a chapter a
week and have a six chapter first draft in six weeks.

Which is the plan I walk my students through at
Signature Book Camp course through. Going through
the twelve pillars, we use the other six weeks for prep and
finishing in the 12 week course, with three in front and
three weeks after writing is done.

Here’s the F.A.S.T.E.R. Book Writing Formula, my students and I
developed over the years.

F.  Focus your writing. Write using laser focus. Apply laser
focus to complete your book writing project faster. For example,
if you look at a 40 watt bulb, the light is soft. It’s not even
strong enough to light an average room sufficiently. Yet you can
take the same 40 watts; put it in a laser gun and get a totally
different output. In the laser gun, the same 40 watts become a
focused beam of light that can cut through different objects like a sharp knife through paper. Same amount
of energy but different focus. To use laser focus in your book
project, prioritize, do only one project at a time and complete
one project before you start another.

A. Act now. Don’t wait until you feel you have the time. Throw
away your plans to go away for a week, a month or a year to write
your book. Most Weekend Warrior Writers don’t have the time to
dedicate solely to their book. So, it’s a good thing you don’t have
to become a hermit to write and complete a successful book these days.
You can commit to the tracking or the cumulative approach. Do a set
amount; even if it’s only an hour each day builds a cumulative effect.
\You could write one chapter per week and have a short book in seven to
twelve weeks.

S. Shorten your manuscript. Write a short book. Because your book
is shorter and easier to write fast, you can expect to go to market
sooner. To accommodate your weekend writing, write your book in chunks,
chapters, sections and parts. Writing this way will allow you to easily
refine, repeat and repackage your information. You’ll be able to synch
your book with a website and pull out a stream of articles, reports,
follow-up products and even services to build your book, your brand
and your business.

T. Template your book. Write with a chapter template. You need a
shell to just slip your book content into. Using a chapter template
as a shell is similar to building your best crispy taco. You bake
(form) the shell and start putting your meat in; then add lettuce,
tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, etc. until you have built your best taco.
After creating a book chapter template, you can easily see where your
chapter title, quote, introduction, supporting points and summary goes.

E. Edit later. This is one of the biggest mistakes for newbie
authors. When I first started writing a book, I would stop every hour
or so and fix something. These days, I literally take off the editor’s
hat. I don’t try to correct spelling grammar or any changes at all,
really. My main job and yours too, if you want to write f.a.s.t.e.r.,
is to get it all out of my head and on to paper.

R. Repeating Elements. Use repeating elements to form your book
chapter. Here’s another analogy. In building a house, you use the
same elements in every house, a foundation, a frame, doors, windows
and so on. In a similar way, we build books with the same elements,
every time. A shell, a thesis or theme, front matter, table of contents,
chapter titles and sub-titles, introduction, tips, summary, back matter.

so that’s the F.A.S.T.E.R. Book Writing Formula

If you are wondering how to pick the right topic for your
book, or how to organize the chapters, don’t
worry. Learn More with NEW Ebook: How To Write Compelling Chapters

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